South African Guide dog association…calendar time!

I am very glad to be working with SAGA on a couple of projects .
The SAGA Slimline calendar for 2013 will feature my images…and if you like what you see, you can order directly from SAGA. 
I am not certain which animal will feature in which month,but does that really matter?
Waterbuck and calf
Blesbuck and young  
This giraffe was only 24 hours old! 
This Wildebeest youngster was not much older than that 
Baby Elephants are ALWAYS cute 
As are Rhinos…especially if has Mum’s bulk in the background!
Leopard and cubs 
Brown Hyena pups
Lion cub
Burchills Zebra
The SAGA Bridge scorer…a MUST for every bridge player
The National bird of Botswana…the Lilac Breasted Roller
A female Masked Weaver
                     To order your calendar or Bridge scorer, visit the SAGA website:
          All images are the property of   and may not be used without permission