In and around Howick


On the 5th August, 1962, in a random vehicle check, Nelson Mandela was arrested while posing as a chauffeur. This seemingly isolated incident on the R103, set off the famous Rivonia trial and led to Mandela serving 27 years in prison   

This quote says it all… 

This image is from part of the display that is open to the public at the recently opened Capture Site, opposite the original plaque on the R103.


One of the iconic moments. Madiba, as President, congratulates Francois Pienaar on winning the 1995 Rugby world cup. 

Mandela on Robben island 

Tourists trying to get a better angle? 

The sculpture, designed by Marco Cianfanelli, shows Madiba looking west 

Best viewed at a distance of 35 meters, the 50 steel columns represent the 50 years since capture.
To discover more about the sculpture and the creator,use this link

My daughter within Mandela’s face 

This “memorial” is what was erected originally to mark the “spot” 

Unfortunately, when we visited, the main electricity supply had been destroyed by lightning which means that a return visit is on the cards in 2013 

Up the R103, is the  Piggly Wiggly “Mall” as the locals refer to it.

At first it was only a coffee shop, but there are currently 14 shops with more being considered. 

A visit to the Art Bar is worthwhile as the art on display is of the highest quality. 

And don’t forget the steel shop close by… 

Howick is better know for the Howick Falls
which are in the city centre,a unique claim to fame.

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