Team Garwood…an inspirational story


The “inspirational competitor” of the day had to be shared by son and father 

Dad Kevin tows son Nicholas(11) during the first event of the day…

Nicholas has cerebral palsy but that certainly did not seem to dampen his enthusiasm 

“Come ON dad…can’t you go any faster”? 


Through the timing arch for the first time 

While the boys are busy, mom Cheryl takes pictures from the bank… 

About an hour later and the race is over!

Dad paddles the last few meters towards the finish while the crowd applaud 

What a moment…this is only the second swim event they have done. But they have done many triathlons 

For the swim they use the canoe, for the cycle they share a recumbent tandem that has a seat in front for Nicholas.And he has a special running wheelchair to finish off the event in… 

Dad swipes his timing bracelet to make certain that their time has been recorded correctly 

Mom and Nicholas share a moment… 

or two… 

Dad being interviewed about his achievement 

Just making sure that his story is correct… 

Almost time to get out. 

Collecting his medal… 

A VERY proud Gran wheels Nicholas as he holds his medal 

Medals in hand the family head off home.
This competitive journey started less than a year ago and was inspired by an American father and son team, Rick and Dick Hoyt.
To find out more about this wonderful family, visit their website at

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