Johannesburg STRIKE… By David Batzofin - October 30, 2012 1319 Share FacebookTwitterWhatsAppEmail Setting up for my “lightning”shoot I forgot that the camera was on an extended exposure! There is NOTHING like a Highveld electrical storm… These images were shot from a property in Muldersdrift. But the driving rain was putting spots on my lens So I was forced to prop the front door open and shoot from inside The major problem was a security light almost directly in front of me lens… but with some cropping, i was able to get rid of that. All the images were shot using a Pentax K5 mounted on a tripod 18-55mm Samsung lens on manual setting Because of the amount of sheet lightning I was able to shoot at ISO 200 f 9.0 8.0 seconds When shooting lightning, remember SAFETY FIRST! Don’t make yourself a target… The security light was reflecting of the rain coming off the roof I chose one focal point due to aforementioned security light to my right and trees to my left And then, with all the interior lights off and a burger in hand, I just kept firing away When the time between flashes became more that 5 minutes I decided it was time to call it a night I am hoping for another storm!All images are the copyright property of and may not be used without permission