Call back the past…with a little help from a friend

A friend from my school days sent me these…They resonated with me and perhaps they will with you?Description: cid:image172.jpg@01CD90F5.56864600
Who of you remember the View Master? A forerunner of 3D movies?

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I sat in a desk like this in both primary and high school, how about you?
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These suitcases were the “top-of-the-range” in their day!
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Unless your father was the Rev Jim Jones, you could drink this!
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Who remembers what this is?
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Here is South Africa we all grew up with one of these.
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Cloth nappies! We used these for my daughter…long before the disposable kind
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My daughter had a doll like this and at one time it was the same height as she was.
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Pick up sticks
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Ice cream anyone? Looks like Table Mountain in the background
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A drive-in…popcorn, hot dogs and lots of heavy breathing!
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We only have one roadhouse left in Johannesburg, and it certainly does not sell food like this anymore
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We all had them, but currently they are politically incorrect
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Anyone still use one of these?
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The South African version of Wikipedia…Chappies bubblegum.
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Just a little dab will do you
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Brain teaser for kids
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This was called French knitting in my day
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For when we still used land-lines!
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Carmen curlers…a must for every fashionable woman

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This was our version of MacDonald’s back in the day…it is still around and makes the best coffee!
Many thanks to Jock Austin for all the images.
Our friendship started in1959 in Sub A at Parsons Hill Primary School in Port Elizabeth and continues to this day