Touch, paws,engage…at Lory Park Zoo, Midrand


One of the features of Lory Park Zoo is the fact that you get to interact with some of the animals

“How many birds can you see”?

“I am aloof, I only interact if I really choose to”…

My wife could not wait to get her hands on a couple of furry critters


One of the zoo owners checking on a leopard that is recovering from tonsillitis

You know that animals are being well looked after when they enjoy a scratch from the vet

These six month old sisters enjoy some “rough-and-tumble”

My wife got to play with them eventually

Janine was able to distract…

Mrs and Miss sizing each other up

“Queen of the hill”…

“I dare you to go and play with this”… 
This young male was in the next enclosure

My wife so enjoyed her interaction with this Ocelot that they searched her bag when we left…
This was the moment when the Serval spotted my camera strap!

We will have to return to interact with the Cheetah!
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