Sparkling Waters,a celebration


Sparkling Waters has been with the current owners for the past 21 years…

Despite grey skies the birthday celebrations lasted all weekend long!

A portion of the Krom River that meanders through the lower end of the property.

Feel like an adrenaline rush? Then this is for you…

Safety first…

Would you believe that the glove on the right is your brake?

After a canopy tour, it is time for a hearty breakfast.

all the healthy options are available… 
as well as the decadent ones!

I have never understood these ridiculously small juice glasses. I wonder who came up with the size?

Running water…

and some stunning flowers…

added a splash of colour.

and Aaron Xhali from KWV added a splash of  alcohol in an afternoon wine tasting

A quick visit to the Sparkling Health Spa was definitely on the cards as it is a nominee in the World Luxury Spa Awards, 2013. The massage was a great way to prepare for the evening dinner/dance to celebrate 21 years.

The dinner was held in the revamped dining room…

Derek Baum tells the guests about the start of his association with the Hotel

Paul Brunton filling in the gaps…

And they do…

Congratulations to Derek, Paul and Rei for the last 21 years…Next up, I hope to celebrate Sparkling Waters  50th with you!To find out more about their 21th specials, visit images are the copyright property of  and may not be used without permission