Madikwe Hills…saving the best for last!

These are some of the reasons NOT to miss a game drive…
Not far from Madikwe Hills camp we stopped to watch this White Rhino doing a dance…why?

Because it had a twig stuck in its nose…and YOU try to remove something from your nose without using your hands.

On our final game drive of the weekend we found this lioness on a kill…

Her cubs soon joined her.

“Save some for me”…

The youngsters tuck into their “breakfast”…in this case a small wildebeeste

A motherly lick…

“I can do this”!

There are two more females and six more cubs that are usually with this lioness and her young, but they were nowhere to be found


“And that goes for you with the camera as well”

all to myself at last…

A Black backed Jackal

A very unusual sighting, a Coqui Francolin

Red Hartebeeste, the second fastest African antelope

Young Kudu gather at the Lodge waterhole as we enjoy our final breakfast

A troop of Baboons enjoying a morning drink

Mom and baby

A vigilant male keeps watch

And finally it was time to leave Madikwe Hills…many thanks to the entire team at the Lodge and on the vehicles for making our stay such a memorable one!
To find out more about what Madikwe Hills has to offer, visit
To find out about other properties owned by the same group, visit www.seasonsinafrica.comAll images are the copyright property of  and may not be used without permission