Budmarsh Country Lodge,Magalies Meander, Magaliesburg

This Lodge is part of the Magalies Meander.
They have won many medals for their clivias.
The views are wonderful and the grounds lend themselves to exploration
This patio is used for breakfast and lunch
 Our suite was in the new accommodation wing and had its own fireplace!
The view from our balcony
Plenty of walking trails, just in case guests have over indulged on the meals!
There were fires in the area recently, but the green is already starting to reappear
Guests can order picnic lunches and enjoy them under the trees.Plenty of space for all to have privacy
Even weeds can look beautiful
What is it about a swing that causes adults to shed years and see how high they can go?
These ducks are a new addition to the Lodge family
Plenty on canals and lots of running water makes for a tranquil and peaceful setting
These drummers were conducting a drumming circle for conference participants
One of several dams that can be fished
The main dining room. It is here that Internationally trained Executive Chef, Chris Tustian works his magic.The staff are well trained and it was a pleasure to be treated to such excellent service and wonderful fine dining.
For those who want privacy, a table can be set in the wine cellar.
The upstairs library
Budmarsh at night
and during the day…my wife tells me that the water was really cold and I was not going to disagree with her.However there were some guests that decided to take the plunge.
Visit www.budmarsh.co.za to find out more about what the lodge has to offer.

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