And the winners are…Total Economy Run prize giving


This is what it is all about…well, not actually. It is all about fuel economy…but more of that later…

Mr Motor sport, Hendrik Verwoerd was the MC for the prize giving

Nadia Vosloo, acting marketing manager set the tone for the evening with her opening joke…

And the Pretoria Motorcar Club was represented by it’s president Theuns Joubert

Pearl was in high spirits even though her day started with a puncture

Simba was a great hit with the ladies…

Maurice did not fare so badly…the Miss Earth finalists being a consolation prize for not winning his category…

Well know actor,David Vlok wanted to be photographed with EVERYONE!

David with his navigator, Werner Otto

Need I say more…

With Fred and Chris of the Leopard Conservation Project ( they later went on to win the best novice category)

The overall winners of the petrol class…third in 2010, second in 2011 and now first! With consumption figures of 5.06317 l/100km over more than 1000kms! Jeanette Kok Kritzinger and Riette Wannenberg driving a Peugeot 107.

The winners of Class D, the biggest and smallest combination, Jaap Visser and Piet van Heerden were together in a Chevrolet Cruze

Father and son, Willie Nel and Willie Nel Jr took the honours in class I driving a Yaris Hybrid

For Team Total…Stephanie Botha and JP Damseaux won Class J in a Lexus GS

Hybrid winners, driving a Polo Blue Motion, Christo and Natie Ferreira

Diesel winners,driving a Ford Fiesta, 1.6 Trend Auto, Stuart Grieg and Wynand Gerber

Time for the musicians to take to the stage…

Crank up the volume and let the party begin!

Just to prove that I was a VIP…

I even got MY picture taken with the aforementioned David Vlok…

To find out more about the Total Economy Run, visit

All pictures are the property of “david batzofin photography” and may not be used without permission.