Clap for Clapton…Slowhand tribute show


I do hope that this tribute show is seen by Eric Clapton fans country wide.Johnny Late rocking it out.

Front man Peter Hoven might not look like Clapton, but he certainly sounds like him!

Doulton Robson doing what all bass players do…being…

Johnny got to have a lot of fun with the Clapton riffs…

A self admitted “country” music singer/songwriter, Natalie Chapman added a poignancy to the Clapton lyrics.

A guitar is the essence of Clapton’s music

Johnny once again…

Peter delivering for the Barnyard audience. 

It almost seems as if “the man” is looking over the shoulder of drummer Theuns Botha.
Bathed in the spotlight…

Guest guitarist Thean Kotze…he only had two song and I would have liked to see more of him.

Keyboard player, Stephen Aiken was almost hidden…

Peter on the harmonica…  

Doulton almost seemed to be doing his own “thing”…but that is how bass players roll…

Natalie Chapman get the last word…or should that be last lyric…
This is a tribute show that does not rely on look-a-like performers or costumes to be entertaining.It achieves that with talent and dedication from the musicians on stage.
To find out more about performance dates and venues, visit the Facebook page: Eric Clapton slowhand tribute show.
Highly recommended for the whole family.