Shout it from the Rooftop(market)

Shout it from the Rooftop(market)

Back at the Rooftop Market…this dude is part of the Blues duo I shot last week…

Unfortunately the electric guitarist did not pitch so he played with a couple of acoustic musicians…

A new busker…

I asked him “Are you”? and he replied “You better believe it”… I want one of these shirts as well

I still no nothing about this particular patron, and asking around I was told that she does not share her story at all…

One of the stall owners who was not too happy about me taking pictures…

Part of the dance troupe

He seems to know something that perhaps I don’t…

Just a step to the left…

And the award for the best dressed shopper goes to…this fellow!

taking pictures of other photographers.

This duo was tucked away in the far corner of the food court and placed beneath a HUGE screen TV…really not fair to them.

Yours truly…

And I forgot to ask him his name!

After spending 3 hours wandering around, it was time for me to head home…
Have a great week everyone.