Acoustic Arts 5.Round 7


The penultimate round of heats for Acoustic Arts 5 took place on a chilly evening at this iconic venue in Fourways,Johannesburg.

Time to set up the microphone and lights…

Tune up the guitars and

wait for judge Bruce Dennill (editor of CitiVibe, musician, songwriter and broadcaster) to announce who was chosen to open the evening…

And that dubious honour fell to Johnny Nothing…

In certain light he looked like a young John Lennon…and it was up to him to set the tone for the evening…

After performing outside on the balcony, Andre Viljoen enjoyed his time on stage under the warm spotlights.

Andre singing his heart out…

Next up, Duane Smith…

He kept the intimate crowd entertained with his talent…

judge Natalie Chapman,(singer,songwriter,broadcaster, manager and lecturer) proving that it was warmer inside than out…and it was her duty to introduce the last performer…

Gareth Lawson proved that it was worth staying to hear him…

 Many thanks to all those who stayed to support Gareth, I am certain that he appreciated the warm applause on such a cold evening.

A new addition to both Tanz Cafe and the Acoustic Arts 5 competition is “Balcony TV.This method of sharing music is presented in 30 countries around the world. Each contestant got to perform one song(on the balcony) and tell the viewing audience a bit about himself…to see the other performers, visit

So, time to pack away the lights until the last round of heats on Tuesday,29th May…
I am told that B&W catches the soul of an image:

But before that, let me tell you what the winner will walk away with…

The big prize! A USA Breedlove guitar and…
A Mark Acoustic 601 Amp!
Prizes for the competition total in excess of R45000.00.

Both of these prizes are sponsored by Music Connection…but wait, that is not all…

      Bruce Dennill.
        Photo by david batzofin photography
The winner will also get a portfolio sponsored by award winning  ‘David Batzofin Photography’,
 the official photographer for the competition.
The FINAL heat of the competition will take place at TANZ in Fourways on Tuesday May 29th.
The semi-finals take place on the 5th and 19th June and the *GRAND FINAL* will take place on July 3rd
Call Grant on 082 855 5445 or email him at
To book a table for your “fan club” call the venue on 011 658 0277

Check out the Tanz web site for more information on upcoming performances and events.