Don’t fret.Round 2 of Acoustic Art 5 at Tanz Cafe

Don't fret.Round 2 of Acoustic Art 5 at Tanz Cafe

Round 2 of Acoustic Art 5 took place on Tuesday 10/04/2012.

Gary who makes all the contestants sound brilliant…they all owe you!

Natalie Chapman completes the judging panel.As a singer/songwriter she is well aware of what the contestants have to bring to this competition in order to succeed. Aside from managing and promoting acts she is also an accomplished actor and broadcaster. 

Bruce Dennill, the other judge, seems to know something that no one else does.

Always tough to open the evening and that task fell to Micah who started proceedings with an pure acoustic set.

Zaki was up next and his supporters were right behind him.

Tim C plucked strings and sang despite a rather noisy table of diners.

Matthew kept his “fans” and the rest of the intimate audience entertained.

Paul decided to wear his Rupert the Bear trousers! Not sure if he scored points with the judges for that.

A retro style Amp that was used by one of the contestants…

Clifford certainly put his heart (or should that be lungs) and soul into his performance.

Penultimate performer Justin brought some life to the last part of the evening.

A previous contestant,Tim H, rounded out the evening.

The microphone awaits the next group of contestants

Bruce adding up the scores…

This is what each contestant is judged on:
Guitar work: Intonation,technique and musicality.
Vocals: Intonation,technique and musicality
Material: Originality,Melody and rhythm.
PRACTICE, PRACTICE,PRACTICE...and remember to always carry a spare 9v battery.

See you next week?
This is what is what the winner will walk away with…

The big prize! A USA Breedlove guitar and…
A Mark Acoustic 601 Amp!
Prizes for the competition total R45000.00.
Would you like to enter?
The next leg of the competition will take place at TANZ in Fourways on Tuesday April 17.
The semi-finals take place on the 19 and 26 June and the *GRAND FINAL* will take place on July 3rd
Call Grant on 082 855 5445 or email him at
To book a table for your “fan club” call the venue on 011 658 0277
Check out the Tanz web site for more information on upcoming performances and events.