Once again I find myself at the Federal Air terminal next to O.R.T International airport
The departure lounge is cool and welcoming, even on a hot summer day…and there are free snacks and drinks too.
“My” co-pilot doing pre-flight checks on “my” plan
These Wagtails seemed to be after some of the crumbs from the snacks
and when it came for them to leave, they did not need any pre flight checks or a planned route
How much do you tip a “plane guard”?
‘My’ pilot…
we get to see wildlife even before we take off! This Heron seemed impervious to the traffic around it
Trying out a new filter on my camera…
This elephant was on the side of the Eastern airstrip at Madikwe
as a result of a herd of Zebra on the runway we had to ‘go around’ and land on our second attempt.All very exciting
the arrivals/departures tree at the Western airstrip
a straggler from a bachelor herd of Impala that had to be cleared before take off.
For more information regarding destinations and flight times, visit: www.fedair.com