Birds at Madikwe game reserve… the feathered kind

Birds at Madikwe game reserve... the feathered kind

A Steppe Buzzard in flight…

Hear no evil, speak no evil,see no evil…three Spoonbills in a row

And don’t forget the ever present Cape Turtle doves

A Magpie Shrike

a Red-winged Starling…but I might be wrong

A European Roller…here to escape the debt crisis?

A Lilac breasted Roller.The National bird of Botswana.

Preening Yellow-billed Hornbills

The Grey Lourie, now renamed the “Go-away” bird…

A gorgeous Long -tailed Paradise Whyda

Not sure what these were,but as the car door closed…



they all took off!

One of my favourite raptors,a Pale Chanting Goshawk
Followed closely by the Black-shouldered Kite…
For ease of use on game drives I rely on an e-book version of Sasol Birds of Southern Africa. Now available for smart phone and tablet it is an absolute must for both amateur and experienced birders. Find out more by going to