Time on our hands…day 2 at De Hoek

Time on our hands...day 2 at De Hoek

My inner alarm woke me somewhat later than normal, but I did have some time to explore before we set off for breakfast

These seating areas are scattered around the garden…a great spot for quiet contemplation…or to catch up on work if you are at De Hoek for a conference…

It was early enough for the flags to be raised…and interestingly it was the Rugby SA flag that was hoisted first!

Close to our suite was a large dam which is where I found these reeds…lit by the early morning light.

Aside from this particular plant, there were also a plethora of flowers that were “on show”…

Not sure what it is, but it is pretty…

Forget about the early bird catching the worm…in this case it was the early insect searching for nectar…

And this branch seemed to be growing out of nowhere…

More of natures finest to marvel at…

The edge of the dam was covered in these…

With all the marvelous flowers on display it it very difficult not to “Celebrate life”…

Some more colour…it seems to be everywhere!

Aside from eat and read (and we did plenty of both), I spent part of the afternoon watching this troupe of Vervet monkeys as they played on the lawn in front of our suite…

Not sure if this one was waving or trying to tell me something!

I was left in no doubt as to who the Alfa male was…

Even a bench can be used as playground equipment…

I finished off the afternoon watching this guest practice his archery skills. Although the hotel does offer archery equipment, it was his sport some years ago and he had brought his own bow and arrows with him…

A final walk around the garden before heading back to our suite to get ready for dinner…we were told that new menu is served every night…and having had a sneak preview, I know this to be true!

Contact details:
Email: reservations@dehoek.com
Web site: www.dehoek.com
Phone: 014 577 9600
For more images:Visit my web albums
Comment by David Batzofin