Some reasons for visiting De Hoek country hotel

Some reasons for visiting De Hoek country hotel

The irrigation system turns the gardens into a rain forest…

sunlight through the mist…

the excellent staff…Eid, Samuel and the well-spoken Henry(who has been at the hotel for the past 15 years!)

this Ladybug caught my attention in the garden

Henry saved this Spotted Eagle owlet that had fallen from it’s nest…it currently calls a milk crate home and is being fed by both parents…

I am not sure who was more surprised to be this close!

our final breakfast…done to perfection…many thanks to Chef Robert!

Henry showing us his charge…


the dining room as seen from the garden

Who would have thought to use a pumpkin as decoration…De Hoek certainly does…

I have never eaten home made Pasta before…truly amazing! I want to learn how to make it…

The devil is in the detail…these crisps were arranged to look like a rose…

Even the Weavers are making their own accommodation on the dam…

new Acacia growth…

To quote from the De Hoek Rates & Information pamphlet :
“De Hoek is the epitome of what an escape to a country house should be.
Excellent food, tranquil and serene surroundings and it’s close enough to the city to avoid a long drive…”

Contact details:
Telephone:014 577 9600
Web site:De Hoek country hotel

Comment by David Batzofin