Welcome back…my return visit to Tuningi

Welcome back...my return visit to Tuningi

It was time to get my ducks back in a row and take my wife to visit one of my favorite game lodges


This 5 star lodge is a must if you are visiting Madikwe


The view from our patio was spectacular and the main lodge building was almost invisible!


I believe that every game lodge should offer guests an outdoor shower…


The attention to details is what makes Tuningi special…like this raw wood frame around the mirror in the bathroom…

Our the wood and slate that can be found on the chimney brest…

Even the thatch is layered to give the accommodation a slightly different look…

My last visit was during winter when the pool did not look this inviting then!


The meals are meticulously prepared by the resident chef and are beautifully presented…even George in Masterchef Australia would be impressed…


This sign is meant for the guests as I discovered what was on the other side…


This is what was lurking in the bushes just itching for me to step past the chain…


Luckily for me, this bull was more interested in having a mud bath in the local water hole than trying to chase me…


After completing his beauty regime he wandered off to have a scratch and then to find something to eat…
For the guests it was time to board the vehicles and head out on the afternoon drive…


This Goshawk was our first “spot” of the drive followed by more elephants…


These four were certainly intend on getting up close and personal with us…


And each other…