Can you go home? I visit my childhood home to find out.

Can you go home? I visit my childhood home to find out.

The question often arises,can you return to the house you were born and raised in…

After a cold early morning game drive in Kwandwe Private Game Reserve,
I decided to take my wife to see the house I grew up in on the way back to the airport in Port Elizabeth…

Aside from this particular property, the street has remained(almost) the same,
except for the fact that the perimeter walls have got higher and security fences and alarm companies seem to have intruded over the years.

I left the house in 1976 and have only returned once,in the early ’80’s…so I was ambivalent about seeing what changes had been done in the intervening years.
To the best of my recollection, my parents sold the house for R48000
and the current owners paid R330000 for it 10 years ago.

I rang the bell and the current owner was most accommodating in letting us visit…something that would never happen in Johannesburg I am certain.
Many of the rooms have changed purpose…a toilet has become a room for the washer/dryer and what was our old playroom is the current owners study.
Many memories and even a ‘lump in the throat’ moment for me as I rediscovered the bathroom that I hid in in 1963 when I heard of the death of JFK…
Many thanks to Anne for letting me show my ‘roots’ to my wife.
Can you go home? Only if you live in Port Elizabeth