Vong Vieng fishing vilage in Bai Tu Long Bay

our fellow travelling companions

On our way to the floating fishing village we passed many different types of water craft

These raptors were referred to as Fish Eagles by the locals…although our guide did tell us that some people called them Osprey…I never found out what they ACTUALLY were.

The entrance to the village…

Some of the homes seemed to be separated from the main body of the village, not sure why

All the homes proudly fly the flag!

This was the fellow who rowed us from the floating reception area to the village.

Some of our fellow travelers…

Mending the nets must be a never ending task…

Every floating fishing home needs one of these 🙂

This fish certainly had attitude and enjoyed being hand fed…

Seeding oysters to ‘force’ them to produce pearls. The work is done by women who are brought in from the mainland as the inhabitants of the village are not capable of doing this intricate and almost clinical task

One of the village people…

This”hole in the wall” is quite spectacular and visitors are taken there before being returned to their boats.

Hi Ho,Hi Ho its off to work they go…no fish, no food…