Some of the friendly Vietnamese folk we met

Some of the friendly Vietnamese folk we met
The wonderful staff at our Hotel in Hue

Aside from our guides we interacted with a variety of “regular” Vietnamese folk

I found this young girl with her family at one of the museums we visited in Hanoi…every time she saw me I got a wonderful smile…so I eventually took her picture

This woman is one of the members of the family that owns a store in Hanoi that produces the most wonderful art work…

I noticed this young lady posing for a photographer…but she was willing to strike a pose for me as well…

One of the women that served us breakfast in Hue…she was very friendly and insisted in taking my picture as well…

This old fellow was trying to sell Caro some “antiquities” but he did not feel it was necessary to put on a shirt

At least the girl on the left of this image was happy to have her photograph taken…

Friendly hotel staff in Hue…

This lady eventually sold me some bananas in exchange for taking her photograph! Not great fruit, but it was a fair exchange as I had taken her picture on four separate occasions…

The owner of a restaurant we ate at was really happy to have us for a return meal…

We found this young fellow outside the laundry in Saigon…he was prepared to stop eating while I took his photograph..

This was our driver who had been ‘chilling’ while we visited yet another temple 🙂

A guard at one of the mausoleums that we visited…he did not look to happy at having to sit in the sun and punch tickets…

For more images, visit david batzofin photography