The people of Vietnam really enjoy having their photographs take.
The trick is to try and get them not to pose when they see a camera! This little girl spent several minutes tryin to get onto the seat of this scooter.It must have seemed like Everest to her, but with minimal fuss she achieved it…
Shop workers/owners are fastidious about the area in front of their establishments being clean…they do the ‘broom dance’ several times a day…
Children are especially fun to photograph here…it is very difficult trying NOT to take images
The security guard might not look happy, but neither would you if you had to sit in the sun all day tearing tickets…
These children were having a great time running up and down this set of stairs…much like a cardboard box, staris seem to have an attraction for small boys (that don’t have electronic games to play with!)
This little fellow was part of a tour group and he so desperately wanted something from the souvenir shop. Eventually his mom bought him a fan…and he seemed happy enough
I have no idea who these fellows are, but they wanted a photgraph with me and in return I had to take this image of them.I showed them the photograph, they said thank you and left…strange,but true!
I decided to have some fun and I started taking pictures of people taking pictures…
These guys were trying to recreated a Kung Fu movie…wrong country fellows!
What was even more fun for me was when I was ‘spotted’ …usually got a laugh from either the other photographer or the group!
This home owner was very proud of his new door…I would be too as the carving on it was fantastic…
A Vietnam blog would not be complete without scooter images…
Cannot see the traffic lights for the scooters…
The elderly also make for great subjects as they get about their business…
This is one of my favourite images from Hue…
We leave for Hanoi shortly and I am sure that I will find many more ‘moments’ to capture
For more images please visit: david batzofin photography