Bai Tu Long Bay…part of Halong Bay…but a whole lot bigger!

Bai Tu Long Bay...part of Halong Bay...but a whole lot bigger!
top deck

Our adventure started when we saw the Junk that was to be our home for that evening and part of the next day.Although the company sell the package as “two days and one night” it is, in actual fact only two half-days and one night…factor in the 4 hour drives to and from Ha Noi and you will realize that you should actually sign up for the ” 3 day, two night” package…if you have the time to spare.

This was the water taxi that took us to the Dragon’s Pearl No.1

Our cabin…it had two huge picture windows(that could be opened,slightly) as well as a toilet and shower.

Some of the rocky outcrops in the background

Although our vessel did have sails, there is no need for them other than cosmetic…but it would have been fun to see them set.

There is an inside dining room, but because the weather was good(read HOT!) we ate outside on the middle deck.

the upper deck can be used for su-bathing or just sitting around and chatting

The wheel house…note the clever use of the Pringles container for the joss sticks…the Vietnamese are *MASTERS* at recycling.

This is the company we used, however I would not recommend them as we were treated as part of a “sausage factory” and our guide seemed to want to get us off as quickly as possible.The next group arrived in the transport that was to take us back to Ha Noi and he was so focused on them that he did not even bother to close the van door.Somewhat disappointing service, but the beauty of the bay certainly made up for his somewhat abrupt behaviour








The beauty of the bay is beyond images…suffice to say that they are hoping to be chosen as one of the new wonders(