Thank you and welcome to a new decade

Thank you and welcome to a new decade

I would like to take this opportunity to say a big “Thank you” to all of you have been reading my Blog.
When I started this a few months ago I had no idea that my articles would be read in countries as far afield as Malaysia and Slovenia!
Many thanks to those of you who left comments, feedback is always welcome and helps to make the blog better.I know that some of you struggled to do so via the blog site,so please feel free to email me at :
I also need to thank all the venues that I visited, the P.R companies that sent me there and my wife for learning to pack at short notice.
I was recently asked about my top 5 venues of 2010, but I have decided that would be unfair as each of the places I have visited offers something special…however, that being said…the “Outstanding venue award” has to go to Kaarkloof Spa! To Fred and his team…many thanks for showing me Nirvana!

My wife and I will start of 2011 at a Buddhist retreat near Ixopo and I have great travel goals for the year ahead…I hope that you will be able to read and enjoy them with me.
And perhaps, just perhaps, I will be able to tempt you into enjoying adventures of your own.Either in your own country or here in South Africa
I wish you all a Happy New year as we begin 2011 and enter a new decade
I hope that all of you were able to spent time with family and loved ones.
I tip my Safari hat to all of “my” readers and wish you everything that you wish yourselves at the beginning of a year.